Buskers who routinely play three or more days per week need to have three or more hours of performance-ready repertoire, and must consistently vary their set lists daily to avoid repetition.  Buskers who perform less than three days a week must continue to expand their repertoire and may not play the same song more than once in a set.

Check out our HOMEPAGE for current notifications of filled quotas.


The Granville Island Busking Program does not offer busking licences to psychics and/or tarot card readers, roving artists, face-painters, portrait artists, painters, crafts people or any artists who provide a service or produce a physical product.


Locations may be restricted at CMHC Granville Island’s discretion.


There are a limited number of amplified flute licences available each year. Licences are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If all licences are taken there will be no more available that year unless one is permanently released.  Amplified flute performers must not play back to back at any location or at the same time at adjacent locations. Additionally a set list must be submitted to CMHC Granville Island at the time of registration.


One licence per year is available for bagpipers.  Performance locations are limited to The Keg, Ocean Artworks, the Ferry Landing and the Public Market Courtyard.  Ocean Artworks is only available for bagpiping on weekends and holidays.  If the one licence is taken no more shall be available for the year, unless that licence is permanently released.


Permitted to play at outdoor locations only.  For details refer to Amplified Locations.


Hand and kit drums are limited at CMHC Granville Island’ discretion at all performance locations.  Steel drums are not permitted on Granville Island.


Groups of four or more members must purchase a group licence and may perform only at Triangle Square and Public Market Courtyard. The members of a group may change, however a minimum of four members must be present to perform as a group.  A group licence does not entitle the individual members of the group to perform solo.  If members of the group wish to occasionally perform solo then each performer must purchase their own individual licence. In all cases instrument and volume restrictions apply.


Due to the unique nature of this type of performance, statue artists will be examined on a case-by-case basis.


Violins, fiddles, cellos and violas must not play back to back at any one location, indoor or outdoor. A limited number of licences are available each year. Licences are available on a first-come, first-served basis.  Check the Busker Homepage for notifications of filled quotas.


A diverse sampling of backing tracks to be used must be submitted to CMHC Granville Island for approval. Backing tracks must enhance but not create the musical experience. They must be original and created by the user. They must never carry the melody or solo line. They must not be instrumental style karaoke where the instrument plays over a song.


At the discretion of CMHC Granville Island certain acts may not be eligible to register. Decisions will be determined on a case-by-case basis at the time of application.