Flowin Owen uses a combination of circus skills, comedy and crowd participation to deliver a highly entertaining show for all ages. The show aims to inspire all to play with an assortment of stunts, tricks and quirks to leave the audience in a state of wonder. He has travelled to...
Thunder has been taunting death and the ER since birth. After he discovered that he could get back up after falling down he has challenged himself to increasingly daring stunts. The suspense is real as he makes a trampoline out of the line between bravery and lunacy. You’ll feel great...
Sharon Mahoney is an award winning comedian, actress and Street Performer who has travelled the globe for almost 20 years performing at world class festivals and comedy clubs. If you like your comedy to pack a powerful punch then Mahoney’s no-hold barred material will not disappoint. She has performed in...
The Mighty Quinn show is designed to be a special positive experience for all those who witness it. Beginning his career at only 15 Quinn is only a few months shy of hitting 10 years of making audiences laugh, clap and cheer around the globe. The shows main purpose is...
Part comedy show, part juggling show, Piper McKenzie pushes the limits of risk using a skateboard, suitcases, tables, and knives. A crowd-pleasing and nerve-racking delight! Spawned in the heart of the Kootenay Mountains, Piper came to the west coast two decades ago with three juggling clubs, a skateboard and an...
Juggling, circus, and other acts of stupidity bound together by laughter and audience participation. Hilarious wholesome fun for the entire family. Daniel began his performing arts career busking on Granville Island at the tender young age of 14, where he realized getting paid for his antics was better than getting...
"Byron from England" has been a main stay fixture at Granville Island for many years with his unique, hilarious, and audience wowing Comedy, Juggling, Escape show. His street performing career over the past 2 plus decades have taken him to many prestigious festivals, fairs and events with his unique, hilarious,...