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Keegan Chen

Keegan plays solo instrumental guitar in a unique style that blends the melodies and the rhythm and bass lines together. Many of the songs are played finger-style, especially the classical songs. He is a versatile guitarist and has mastered an extremely wide variety of genres – from classical songs, to ballads, blues, rock, modern pop alongside Asian pop and folk. He also has a set of children’s songs for the local Kindergarten and elementary school classes that visit Granville Island. Keegan continually adds new songs to his repertoire in order to adjust his set lists and maximize on the entertainment value for his audience.


Contact us
1661 Duranleau St 2nd floor,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
V6H 3S3

Phone: (604) 834-1567
Hours: 9 AM – 5 PM, Closed Weekends

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