Keegan plays solo instrumental guitar in a unique style that blends the melodies and the rhythm and bass lines together. Many of the songs are played finger-style, especially the classical songs. He is a versatile guitarist and has mastered an extremely wide variety of genres - from classical songs, to...
Public Market Courtyard 11:00 AM - Keegan Chen 12:00 PM - Luifox Gutierrez 1:00 PM - Anaconda: Fusion Bambu 3:00 PM - Luifox Gutierrez Triangle Square 12:00 PM - Anaconda: Fusion Bambu 1:00 PM - Luifox Gutierrez 2:00 PM - Keegan Chen Island Plaza 1:00 PM - Keegan Chen 3:00 PM -...
Public Market Courtyard 11:00 AM - Stephen Spender 12:00 PM - Luifox Gutierrez 1:00 PM - Shawn Bullshields: Songs from the Heart 2:00 PM - Keegan Chen 3:00 PM - Rachel Cambrin 4:00 PM - Scott Jacobs 5:00 PM - Anaconda: Fusion Bambu Triangle Square 11:00 AM - Keegan Chen 12:00 PM...
Public Market Courtyard 11:00 AM - Stephen Spender 12:00 PM - Shawn Bullshields: Songs from the Heart 1:00 PM - Luifox Gutierrez 2:00 PM - Keegan Chen 3:00 PM - Josh Minsky: Songs from the French Cafe 4:00 PM - Rachel Cambrin 5:00 PM - Anaconda: Fusion Bambu Triangle Square...
Discover ","nextArrow":"","autoplay":false,"autoplaySpeed":5000,"rtl":false}' dir="ltr"> Enrico D’onfrio With a large repertoire of... Tony Warburton Tony plays traditional Irish and... Pico Pico Masaki is a singer... Stories on Wheels Stories on Wheels is an... Performers MusicianAffinityAffinity is a female trio made up of close friends Kyra Leroux, Julia MacLean and Taylor McKee. The...