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Thank you for applying to the 2019-2020 Granville Island Busker Program. We are excited to receive your application. For further information on assessment criteria please refer to the 2019-2020 Granville Island Busking Program regulations. Please note, only online submissions will be accepted. If you require assistance in your application contact This is the second round of application submissions for the 2019-2020 Busking Program year which runs April to May.  Please note that acceptance on the second round of application will also be dependent on quotas filled. The online application opens August 1 and the deadline for submission is 5pm Friday August 16.  Applicants will be notified of the outcome by Friday September 6 at the latest.
Contact Information
If more than one person in the act/group, then each individual must complete an online application.
For parking passes. Available to those who attend the morning draw to perform that day.
Performance Info
Please choose
Put the maximum number of performers in your group. Please ensure that each member has submitted an individual application with their personal details and referencing the group name.
Please select which applies.
If successful in your application to be a Granville Island Busker, are we permitted to list this description on a profile page about you?
If a musician, please list your instruments and equipment. If a circle show or variety act, please list your materials and equipment.
Buskers (Circle show) requesting to perform with fire, and/or include fire, in their acts are required to submit ALL the items on the ‘Use of Fire’ list specified by CMHC Granville Island (The ‘Use of Fire’ list will be provided at the time of the registration to interested performers).
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Please provide a link for a specific video URL (i.e. Youtube or Vimeo). This can be a private link if you would like. Please choose videos that represent how you plan to busk, i.e, if solo then a video showing a solo performance. It is worth choosing your best 2-3 videos as staff time is limited which means we are unable to review more that 3 videos per act.
An opportunity to show another performance and to demonstrate your skills if you are planning to play more than one instrument.
If successful in your application to be a Granville Island Busker, are we permitted to list these video links on a profile page about you? (Let us know if one or all of them could be included)
A minimum 45 minute set list with no repetition (for music acts only). Please list all songs/tunes and specify which are originals and which are covers. Buskers who routinely play three or more days per week need to have three or more hours of performance-ready repertoire, and must consistently vary their set lists daily to avoid repetition. Buskers who perform less than three days a week must continue to expand their repertoire and may not play the same song more than once in a set.
If yes and successful in your application to be a Granville Island Busker, you may need to submit a copy of your backing tracks. Please review page 4 of the Busking regulations to ensure that your use of backing tracks fits within the expected use.
Please list the names and the prices.
Please select all that apply.
Photo Upload
Please don't send a photo of your passport with private details, just a photo of you! This photo is to be used for creating the busker license if successful. Please ensure it is Jpeg and a head-shot that is clear of background.
Please upload a great photo of you in action. We'll use this on your profile page.
*I am legally entitled to perform in Canada. *I have the necessary permits, clearances, licenses and performance rights to the material I will use. *I have read and understood the Granville Island Busking Program Regulations. *I will abide by the conditions outlined in the Granville Island Busking Program Regulations. *If any conflict arises between fellow Buskers, merchants or guests, I will immediately contact the Coordinator by calling 604-834-1567, or the front desk on 604.666.6655 or Granville Island Security on 604.666.6601
• As a condition of performing, I permit CMHC-Granville Island and members of the public to take photos and videos of my performances. • I will not perform under the influence of drugs or alcohol. • I will refrain from the use of lewd or offensive conduct or language in the course of my performances. • I have a working cell phone to make and receive calls in the event of a cancellation or emergency. • I am aware that it is obligatory to regularly check emails so as to receive up-to-date info on closures and any potential regulation changes. • I am aware that performances will take place in designated locations only and that locations may be occasionally unavailable for busking performances. Advance notice will be given whenever possible but can't be guaranteed. • I am aware that buskers may not advertise, endorse or promote products or sponsors, sell or distribute products or merchandise other than selling their own CDs. Signs, banners or displays that are not integral to the performance are not permitted. CMHC Granville Island reserves the right to remove any sign, banner or display that obstructs or interferes with pedestrian or traffic circulation, normal business activity, or obstructs the view of other permitted signage.
• I agree to only sell the listed CDs or DVDs as listed on my submitted application. • I certify the recordings are of myself and/or the group shown on this application. • I certify that I have legal permission to sell the listed recordings. • I understand that I am solely responsible for payment of sales and other taxes, royalties, and other. I understand that sales must not be aggressive, pushy or dominate performances. • I understand that recordings will only be available for sale during performances. • I will replace any CD or DVD found to be defective or refund the purchaser in full.
• If I am a circle act who plans on using fire and/or dangerous props I will complete a Fire/Dangerous Props Declaration. • The safety of all visitors, merchants, audience members and bystanders on Granville Island is the highest concern. I am aware that any action that threatens their safety is not permitted. I understand that CMHC Granville Island reserves the right to withhold permission to perform or halt a performance if the use of dangerous props is considered a threat to the aforementioned people, or lead to the damage of private or public property. • I will demonstrate a high level of skill and control when handling fire and / or dangerous props. • I will create and maintain a defined separation of 3 to 5 meters or more between the dangerous props and the audience. • I agree to indemnify and save harmless CMHC Granville Island from all costs, loss, damages, proceedings, actions, claims, demands and expenses incurred by the busker and sustained or caused by, or arising out of the busker’s performance or behaviour on Granville Island.
*If you are under 18 years of age, your guardian or legal sponsor must complete the following
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 34